(That's a real picture.)
I thought white folk would have learned their lesson from little Jon Benet Ramsey.
But some new whites have decided to setup a website to sell advertising space on their son.
Oprah tried to prevent this kid from meeting the next John Carr by paying his parents $10,000 (cheap by Oprah standards) but it seems even she couldn't stop the madness.
Look for Lil' Jake on the news by the end of the decade.
- It also seems like white college kids can't stop throwing these mock "Ghetto Themed" parties they seem to love so much.
There was the Ghettopoly game that was a big deal when I was in college.
Then it was a bunch of University of Texas retards got busted for a ghetto party.
Not to be undone, a fellow group of retards at John Hopkins followed suit and upped the ante by hanging a lynched skeleton on a noose.
Enraged Negro groups might even sue the fraternity responsible for the party because only black people are allowed to propel the stereotypes about black people.
Fry Dat Chicken Bwoy!
Who can be held liable for this party?
I got word of a Pee Wee football game in Ohio where a white team played a black team and the white kids were painted up in blackface and fitted with afro wigs while their parents shouted "nigger" and the opposing team of eight year olds.
America is no fucking joke.