How racist is this Intel ad?
Six cloned black sprinters (they indicate speed, get it?) surround a white man who is centered above them so that it appears they are bowing to him/rowing a slave ship.
Intel, give your marketing department a raise for tapping into the (not-so) subconscious racism of corporate America.
I bet your boss just ordered Intel Core 2 Duo processors and sprinter's blocks for the whole damn office.
- Also for consideration, is it racist to set Resident Evil 5 in Africa where a white protagonist has to mow down hordes of infected African zombies?
I can see the Al Sharpton getting up in arms already but on that one I have to say nay. if CJ from Grand Theft Auto IV can murder Californians of all colors at will I say let that fight go and save the energy for this next issue.
- ABC's upcoming show "Cavemen."
The pilot leaked to the intertubes (download the .torrent file here) and "Sweet antebellum south Batman!" is that shit racist.
If you've seen the Geico commercial you may think you know what's coming but you really don't.
The whole show is really just a thin guise to tell the most hackneyed black jokes you can possibly drudge up on network television. Replace "Cavemen" with "nigger" in any of the show's jokes and you have the show's premise laid out for you.
The show stars 3 "cavemen" who fit the 3 categories of
1) Unaware minority
2) Angry radical "Free Mumia" type minority
3) I-Just-Wanna-Fit-In minority
The caveman who is trying to fit in has a white girlfriend whose parents don't accept her relationship and the whole pilot episode involves them trying to attend the white girlfriend's rich parents BBQ without embarrassing their friend.
One joke refers to reclaiming the word Cro-Magnon as a term of endearment (cough, cough **N-Word debate** cough cough.)
Another joke involves a white girl at the BBQ who wants to fuck one of the caveman's friends because she thinks it will be pretty wild and freaky.
There is also a scene where the completely unaware friend, who is a great dancer, leads the white folk on a magical dance-along at the end of the show.
The jokes go on and on expect they don't actually make you laugh. And the backlash is already brewing.
This is building up to be a modern-day "Bamboozled."
ABC has a shitstorm in the works if they air this show as is. If they are smart they will take the L on this garbage and scrap whatever they've produced thus far.
If you're going to make an racial allegory at least be funny.