(I'm good friends with Jesus...)
In regards to the Bhutto tragedy, fucktard Huckabee had this to say,
- On Thursday night he told reporters in Orlando, Fla.: “We ought to have an immediate, very clear monitoring of our borders and particularly to make sure if there’s any unusual activity of Pakistanis coming into the country.”
The fuck does immigration have to do with this issue.
This woman's assassination brings up a dozen issues that have SHIT to do with evil Mexicans terrorists.
Not to be outdone, Fuckabee added...
- “We have seen what happens in the Musharraf government,” Mr. Huckabee said on MSNBC. “He has told us he does not have enough control of those eastern borders near Afghanistan to be able go after the terrorists. But on the other hand, did he not want us going in, so what do we do?” Those borders are actually on the west, not the east.
If you can't interpret major world events probably or read a fucking map, you don't need to be in office. The fact that this man has a chance at the presidency depresses me to no end.
If only all this bullshit would end with 2007.
What sucks is I see this whole election as a lose-lose.
ReplyDeleteI'm not going to say this election is an entire lose-lose, because I've picked a candidate myself, however, being an Iowan, I am very disappointed in my state at the moment for the results after the republican caucus. I think that rather than the Iowa republican caucus it was more of a fucking Iowa republican literacy and IQ test. I thought republicans prided themselves on lower taxes and less government, but Huckabee rose Arkansas from 14th in the nation regarding highest taxes after Clinton, to 4th......way to research your candidate fucking evangelical idiots.......Fuck this country, it's dead.
ReplyDeletewell, well..........what the fuck will Fuckabee do to the goddamn country if elected?? I'll tell you , he'll fuck it up just like the (former) fat bastard did my home state (that would be Arkansas for all you fucking retards). He banned smoking state wide, and pushed his loose interpretation of the bible on the taxpaying masses (a.k.a. retarded sheep). Fuck him and his god!! If elected, I hope to all that is right and justified, that he is killed before he can do the same to America.