(You call that a suicide bombing?!)
I really need to stop posting once a week, especially after getting some good feedback from that Curtis/Obama post, but shit keeps popping up.
What kept me occupied this past week was my new phone. I was rocking that Sidekick 2 for a minute because I got it for free, but I got tired of the glowing pink lights, sprinkles and teenage attention that shit seems to attract. No one over age 16 should be rocking a Sidekick. I guarantee R. Kelly has about 30.
So I got me a T-Mobile Dash at one of those Indian hustle spots in Midtown and I haven't been this happy since the mid-90's.

This phone is the hotness. If anyone has that T-Mobile hook-up, holla at me about the data plan...
But the realest shit of this all is that I now have a Nintendo in my phone with dozens of games, but most importantly I have Mike Tyson's Punchout on my phone.
Mike Tyson's Punchout.
Do you know how serious that shit is?
This phone has restored my youth. It could only be better if Catherine Zeta Jones came with the phone.
A lot of crazy shit happened in the last week. Here's what caught my eye.
- Dick Cheney faked a assassination attempt to get back the sympathy of the American people after saying crazy shit all week. I don't buy that bombing. Shit was staged like 50 and Cams beef.
- The stock market damn near crashed. Can you say "China runs our country?"
- Speaking of Asians, they almost started a race war with the Blacks in San Fran. (Gawker provided the healing we all needed.)
- Blacks now like Obama or... Blacks still don't like Obama. (Oprah does and so does Condi Rice?!)
- Women are getting HPV like iPods. Good thing men can't get it.
- India is the new Africa. Most Indian women never heard of AIDS and Indian kids are starving worse than Africans.
- Kelis is attacking undercover prostitutes. WTF?...
- NYC just banned the N-Word and Virginia just became the first state to apologize for slavery.
Man, I could blog for a week on this shit alone but since I'm so behind let me just simply state that symbolic government actions are some ol' bullshit.
Were Blacks in NYC (and Virginia) being held back by the word "nigger" or because no one said sorry to them for slavery?
I guess the AIDS crisis, unemployment, high dropout rates, witness intimidation and good old inner city crime should all disappear by the end of the week.
The old black dinosaurs and the whites trying to absolve their guilt who pushed these pieces of legislation through need to wake the fuck up.
When sites like www.NiggaSpace.com get 200,000 black teens to sign up I would say the problem runs a little deeper than most people realize.
Star recently said,
"During my syndicated radio show on Clear Channel Communications, I once asked a Vice President of programming about playing less music and discussing more news. I was told that my audience was more passionate and rhythmic. Truth is, people who are conditioned to receive cash prizes, free goods and trips will always be attentive and incoherent."
Even when blacks controlled BET they did nothing to dispel these notions that are held by the corporations that control black culture. Oh well, we could always Chicken Noodle Soup the problems away and go see Norbitt. Almost $100 million worth of y'all did already.
I've been using HTC P3300 (also known as HTC Artemis in some parts of the world) for a while now, and it's great. You can say a lot of crap about Microsoft and Windows, but for PDA's and phones Windows Mobile is the way to go.
ReplyDeleteFor us geeks a phone with PDA capability, built in GPS, and Wi-Fi is a dream come true.
Yea, Windows Mobile is pretty decent on the phone and HTC makes good stuff to go with.
ReplyDeleteMy phone didn't have GPS.
That's the next step...