(Bong hits for Jesus!)
The Supreme Court is on a tear. They are trying to see how much they can fuck America the fuck up before they go hunting with Dick Cheney for the summer.
The list of god awful rulings they made in the last few days is sickening but the real shit kicker is their ruling on race in schools.
Apparently that whole Civil Rights movement thing you Negroes have been into for the last few decades was a waste of time, because segregation is really not that big of a deal. Black kids can't Chicken Noodle their way out of this one.
Court strikes racial diversity school programs (Reuters)
Certain sections of the media and so-called "independent" voters would like you to believe because of the nature of our political system, Democrats and Republicans are identical.
When you look at the type of Supreme Court Justices Republicans nominate and the decisions they make, you realize that is one of the greatest lies ever sold.
Let's go through the interweb and see how much race doesn't matter...
- Fox News throughout history. Brilliant.
- Why do black children with rich parents fail out of school? Because they're lazy.
- Isaiah Washington and Wesley Snipes pathetically play the race card while Black people with real Negro problems like Genarlow Wilson remain assed out.
- Bobby Cutts Jr. (who is fucking up interracial dating for every black man in America) killed his pregnant white girlfriend and is in the news every goddamn second.
- Christopher Vaughn, the white dude from Illinois who killed his wife and three kids at the same time, Bobby Cutts did? Barely a mention.
Peep the delusion,
The conservative jurist stuck up for Agent Bauer, arguing that fictional or not, federal agents require latitude in times of great crisis. “Jack Bauer saved Los Angeles. … He saved hundreds of thousands of lives,” Judge Scalia said. Then, recalling Season 2, where the agent’s rough interrogation tactics saved California from a terrorist nuke, the Supreme Court judge etched a line in the sand.
“Are you going to convict Jack Bauer?” Judge Scalia challenged his fellow judges. “Say that criminal law is against him? ‘You have the right to a jury trial?’ Is any jury going to convict Jack Bauer? I don’t think so.”
Can you say disbarment?
"24" has become the most pathetic enabler for Republican torture fantasies and the failed "War on Terror." It's really disgraceful.
Do Republicans have any respectable or defensible positions anymore?
Will it even matter by the time 2009 gets here?