Thursday, March 12, 2009

Israel and Obama: The Awkward Dance

I'm still feeling this story out as much as Obama and Israel are feeling each other out.

However, we have the first shot fired as Charles Freeman withdrew his name from an intelligence position.

Because of the Jews! (NYT article, the comments are better than the article)

Superior Wash Po take here.'s version is the best I think. (Yea, I read about half a dozen takes on this story. So what?)

I still can't act like I'm well versed in this particular situation, but it seems very incredible that Charles Freeman was nominated to any administration position considering his frankness when discussing Israel.

As quoted,

"Israel is driving itself toward a cliff, and it is irresponsible not to question Israeli policy and to decide what is best for the American people."

Wow. Common sense can be truly radical. How dare we, as Americans, wonder what actions will create the best long-term results for... America and not Israel. The myopia is blinding. As one commenter said,

"Perhaps the (NYT) article could have pointed out that Mr. Rosen, whose blog initiated the attack on Freeman, is currently indicted on espionage charges and due to stand trial. Steve Rosen along with Keith Weissman are charged with providing Israel with classified US documents.

And Chuck Schumer is definitely on my shitlist.

But when U.S. Representative Israel (I swear that's a real Jewish congressman in NY) calls up Rahm Emanuel along with the Zionist Organization of America (real group) and says get this guy out of the running, America has a bit of a problem.

I would like to start the Black Power/Africa First/ Ali Boom Ba Yay! Lobby or maybe the Trini to the Bone Lobby group and see how patriotic it is for the U.S. to support my country's interests over their own. Or what calls Senator Schumer make on my behalf.

1 comment:

  1. very interesting post, I am happy to see you're back providing info
